Earthsonnets is now

Baker City Gal
Editing & Proofreading

by Jenni Hunt Johnson

Plus Delightful Art & My Family History

New! Life story of Billie Evelyn Gooing Hunt

I am going back to my roots and have consolidated all of my websites into one -- the new

Let me put a professional polish on your writing project.

I offer a free writing analysis and project estimate.

MacBook Pro near white open bookMacBook Pro near white open book

Side Gigs

HalocatDigital Etsy Shop

Get instant downloads of printable art and greeting/note cards featuring watercolors painted by my mom, Billie Hunt. Also, digital designs by me, for carving and engraving. Go to HalocatDigital.

Family Corner

Family History is a major passion of mine! I love creating histories and displaying them with photos for extended family members. My main family lines are Hunt, Hill, Cox, and Gooing/Goin/Gowen.

Butterfly Express essential oils discount code

Save with this ongoing discount code via my affiliate link. Click on the butterfly to go to Butterfly Express and enter LuvMyButterfly when you order!